© 2003-06 The Blue Planet Project Comenius team. Information:The Webmaster Stergios Nastopoulos
Carini, Sicily, Italy -October 2003
Water resources. Global and local

by Giuseppe Alonzo

ITAF Dept. - Faculty of Agronomy - University of  Palermo, Viale delle Scienze,
90128 Palermo, Italy

Water distribution on Earth
Earth appears from the space as a "blue" planet. The color is due to the water covering about 71% of the whole Earth surface. Water also is present in appreciable amounts under the land surface and as water vapor in the atmosphere.
Natural Waste Water Treatment
And Its Impact On Environmental Life

by Giuseppe Alonzo, Claudio De Pasquale

ITAF Dept. - Faculty of Agronomy - University of  Palermo, Viale delle Scienze,
90128 Palermo, Italy

The total volume of water on the Earth is vast, 1.4 billion km3 (1).However, the proportion of this that is fresh and reasonably accessible is less than 1%, at 11 million km3. There is, therefore, no shortage of water ...
Man and Water

by Irene Ruffo

I wish to start this presentation by showing a picture from space taken by a satellite and showing a peculiar characteristic of our planet: the presence of great amounts of water.
Water in Nature and Possible Industrial Uses
By Roberto Triolo and Irene Ruffo
Dipartimento Di Chimica Fisica - Universita di Palermo - Palermo (Italy)

Liquid water (H2O) is the most common substance in the world. Despite being apparently so simple, and therefore despite being considered an ordinary material, water is able to display a variety of different properties which make it the most important material in Nature.
Dr. Alonzo in lecture
Prof. Rufo
Prof. Triolo
Program of the Project meeting             Photos            Lectures
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