THE DAMBOVIÇIOARA CAVE is situated along the Dambovicioara River, in the charstic area of the Rucar – Bran mountain path. Water has been carving it for millions of years in the limestone of the Piatra Craiului Mountains (The Prince Rock Mountains).

The cave was first mentioned in 1767. It has 2 galleries: a short one of 20 m, to the left, and a 100 m gallery to the right.

Following the short gallery, one may notice the strawberry shape stalactite. The legend says that the cave was a hermit’s shelter long time ago. Visitors may admire the three columns – the hermit altar. Next to it there are the table and the chairs used by the hermit.

The 100 m gallery has its own legend too. During the World War I, the gallery was the dwelling of two outlaws: Fulga and Budac. They robbed the rich people on the way or the visitors of the cave. One day, two policemen disguised as tourists, came to the cave and trapped the two outlaws. Fulga was killed. As for Budac, he was captured and imprisoned.

The gallery is full of “exhibits” carved by the water in the mountain rock: the hermit’s armchair and his books on the self; a snake head, a pistol, or a bear paw.

The gallery becomes very narrow on its last 15 m. and the tourists may walk it in Indian file.

The cave is 369 m long, but the tourists are allowed to visit only the two galleries mentioned above




Ochi Andreea, 17 years old















CURTEA DE ARGES is a town with an overwhelming history, the second capital of Walachia, after Campulung and Targoviste.

It represents the political and religious core of the country, the cradle of the Foundation.

The traditional architecture in Arges subscribed in the rich history of the national patrimony with numerous monuments of true values. Considering all the monuments of the princes in Arges, the monastery is the most important construction of art and religious architecture.

The monument was erected by Negate Basra (the medieval prince) between 1515-1517.The monastery is built entirely in carved stone. The outside walls are encomposed with a belt carved in stone as a rope twisted in three.

Another original element conferring this monument uniqueness is the upper niches. At the joint of these niches there are stone made doves holding a bell in their beaks, singing its crystal song in the wind.

The steeples of the monastery are also carved; some of them are twisted and gilded with gold.

In the middle of the entrance there are 12 pillars of carved stone beautifully twisted and decorated.

The prince Neagoe Basarab died without finishing the monastery. He was buried in the pronaos of the church, which thus became a princely necropolis. His successor and son-in law, Radu of Afumati, did everything that had still to be done for the church. He was buried next to his father – in law.

To the right and to the left of the entrance there are the tombs of the firs Romanians royal couples: king Carol the First and the queen Elisabeth and their successors Ferdinand and Mary.

The Monastery of Curtea de Arges is the most outstanding and representative monument of Romanian art and church architecture. That is why the town of Curtea de Arges is considered the Jerusalem of the Romanian people!



Idor Iosif, 16 years old







   The water mill on the Dambovita River was founded 150 years ago and the last restoration took place on 1990.The main parts of the mill are:

-The drain;

-The two mill wheels;

-The rooms where the technological processes take place;

-The whirlpool

There has been developing here a very old traditional activity – the last three steps of the woolen carpets production.

   1.The woolen carpets are put into the whirlpool for 2-3hours in order to moisten it very well. This way the worker may easily identify and bring to the outer side of the carper the numerous knots.

   2.The woolen carpet is placed on a large wood cylinder. Under the cylinder there is a huge brush made of wood too. The rushing water of the drain makes moving the large mill wheel. The wheel axel turns the cylinder too and allows the brush to card the carpet. Thus the long woolen threads are extracted from the knots.

  3.The aim of the next step is to make the carpet lasting and thicker than it was at the beginning. The carpet is placed inside a moving cylinder in a room where the temperature reaches 50 C (by wood heating). This process lasts for three hours. The carpets are, then, washed in clear cold water and dry in the sun.

Another part of the water mill is the whirlpool - the so-called “washing machine». In fact this very old washing system was imitated by the washing machine. The device is used to wash carpets and other wools .For some hours they are wheeled by the rushing stream of water coming from the Dambovita River. The small air balls of the clear water clean the carpets efficiently.

The system is an ecological one. Chemical washing products are prohibited.


  Valimareanu Alexandru,17 years old













 The Easter or the Resurrection is the greatest Christian celebration. Due to the Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, those who believe in Him are redumpted and forgiven the original sin.

The date of Christian Easter is not a fix one: it is in accordance with the spring equinox. Due to subsequent irregularities of the calendar, the Catholic Church celebrates Easter between 22nd of March and the 25th of April, while the Orthodox Church celebrates Easter between the 4th of April and the 8th of May.

A sum of pre-Christian beliefs and holidays mark the Lent of the Orthodox Christians:

-In the middle of the Fast, girls wash their faces in the river in order to be pretty;

-On the Palm Sunday the hair is washed with blessed water so that it will grow thick and nicely; afterwards, the water is poured at the root of a pear tree.

On Sunday – the Holy Day of Resurrection – people go to the church for the holy Liturgy. They come back home with candles latten during the ceremony. The family members wash their faces in a pot where they laid a red egg, basil, a silver coin and water. They say the Lord’s Prayer and receive the Eucharist. In the end they break red eggs and greet one another with “Jesus has resurrected”.

Some of them collect eggs shells and throw them away in the river so that they reach the Mildmen Land announcing them the Resurrection, too.

People believe that the one born on Ester night will be lucky the whole life, while he one who dies during the Passions Week will have his sins forgiven.





